Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rants: On Chances and Love

Yesterday I went to One Utama, Damansara.Despite the amount of money in the account, i went there to run some errands, well more on finding good foods actually.

I was not that well, so i let nani and adlin 'free' as i strolled alone. I went Daiso, my fav place, and grabbed myself few things. Then I left for Jusco as I had to buy Demox's wet food.

When im strolling alone, i was wondering, what if im not in my twenties? I started to imagine myself being 30s, 40s, and 50s, walking alone, with no one beside me like this.  I sighed.
Being lonely  is perfectly ok, dont get me wrong. But it is nice to have somebody to share thoughts, chatting and even arguing with you. It is more, err fun than beng alone and swimming in your own thoughts.

If I felt tired, I'll sit down. I once sat beside Chinese 2 kids who playfully poking each other. I smiled to them both, offering the empty seat as the boy who previously sat on the spot, shyly moved when I sit down.

Will I have the oppoturnity to have kids on my own?

On my right, was a Chinese girl, reading the 'siri pengembaraan' book that I loved. She was with her granny. I overheard her granny talking about mother who died, which become the cause why she has no mother. (I wonder whose mother?) Then she explained, the baby also died inside her. (I cant really hear them, just some parts)

One a part, i was touched.

"One day, popo will also die. It is natural."

The loving granny with her warmest tone also explained why her skin is wrinkling. "My skin is like this, because i am old. One day you also will be old."

Will I have the same chance as the granny, to be xplaining things to my grandchildren? Or will I have chance to tell stories of prophet Muhammad, the prophets series or their sahabat to my own generation?

Then the little girl moved, going with somebody she called auntie. The granny sat alone, looking down to the escalator. (we sit on the chair beside the escalator)

Then his husband came. She was hassling, asking why he came from that direction, as she was expecting he come from another. As she was bising-bising to his husband, she smiled and winked at me. I smiled back.

"Married people quarrel not beacuse they hate each other, it is a way of communication." My cousin once told me.

Disagreeing shouldnt change our affection toward each other. It is a form of communication.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Tudung dan Megi

"Kak Mah, adik bosan betul baca status-status facebook pasal aurat ni." Saleha merungut. Kak Mah yang sedang asyik menilik buku di tangan angkat kepala.

"Awatnya?" Kak Mah tanya. Matanya masih tak lepas dari buku. Saleha mengemaskan silanya. Terus duduk tegak. Saleha tengah menghadap laptop. Di halakan pada Kak Mah a.k.a Rahmah, senior satu jurusan yang berkongsi bilik dengannya.

"Tak lah, pakai tudung pun banyak songeh. Macam sister kristianlah, macam bonggol untalah, warna warni pun salah katanya menarik perhatian. Kalau material lycra seksilahlah. Singkatlah, kain jaranglah.

Apa? Tabarruj? Pakai tudung, tak boleh make up ke? Takkan nak muka plain ja? Apapa salahnya pakai bulu mata palsu, celak, blusher, lens warna-warna tu. Kan comel. Fitrahlah, wanita suka berhias cantik-cantik.

Lelaki, senanglah dok bising-bising. Bukan diorang pakai tudung pun. Sibuk!

Biarlah, tudung jugak. Tutup aurat pe?"

"Hm.." Kak MAh menjawab lesu. Macam layan tak layan. Saleha tak puas hati. Dipintalnya jurai rambutnya yang diwarnakan warna merah ala brunette kononnya.

"Pakai tudung ala hana tajima salah, tudung Yuna salah. Ehh orang pakai tudung pun satu rahmat tau. Kan Islam ni bukan paksaan. Pandai-pandai ja nak kondem orang pakai tudung. Maunya dia terus bukak. Susahlah macam ni. Takkan nak pakai ala khemah tu baru ok. Orang arab pun belit-belit selendang nampak jambul jugak. Eh akak, membebel ni, laparlah."

"Akak ada megi, kamu nak? Maggi perasa ayam." Kak MAh bangun, dia terus meghala ke pantry kecil di dalam bilik mereka. Mengeluarkan megi. Ditayang-tayang pada Saleha. Saleha angguk-angguk suka.

Rahmah keluarkan mee segera cap X tu,dimasukkan dalam bekas. Tangannya mencapai pili paip, lalu dimasukkan air sejuk fresh dari pili itu ke dalam megi. Megi tu di pecah-pecahkan. Lalu dia masukkan pula perasa, lalu dia kacau. Berketul-ketul perasa tu, timbul atas permukaan megi air sejuk. Lalu dia capai telur dan pecahkan dalam megi, terus dibaginya kepasa Saleha.

Saleha buat muka tak percaya, mata terbeliak.


"Betullah, samalah, megi jugak. Apa kisah masak air panas ke sejuk, makan ratah mentah ke tak. MEGI JUGAK" Balas Rahmah selamba.

"Mana boleh macam ni. Mana sedap, eii tak lalulah nak makan."

"Samalah macam tudung cik adik sayang, mana boleh suka hati buat. Kena ikut hukum syarak baru capai tujuan, hikmah dan pahala.. Kalau pakai sarung ja, macam buat megi tadilah. Tak sedap, tak boleh makan pun. Silap-silap sakit perut. "

Terus Rahmah masukkan 'mee super segera' tadi ke dalam multipurpose cooker dan dimasaknya.

Saleha, terdiam.

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